Starting November 18th 2019 I will show a series of street photographs from Morocco at Anna Café in Augsburg. The exhibition, which results from 3 trips to Morocco between 2011 and 2018, will launch on Nov. 18th at 7pm with a Vernissage open to the public and will run until Jan. 31st 2020. Screenshot: a3kultur.
- ← Book: Street Photography - Attenzione! Può creare dipendenza Just recently Italian photographer, author and teacher Sara Munari published her new book "Street Photography - Attenzione! Può creare dipendenza" (248 pages). It digs into the history of the genre, but also features important contemporary authors both… Live interview @ Bayern 2 - Zündfunk → Last Saturday I had the pleasure of getting invited as a talk guest to the live broadcast of "Stadtwerke", a German radio program by Bayern 2 "Zündfunk" (host: Achim Bogdahn), which features local artists in diffrent Bavarian cities. Listen.