Recently I've been interviewed by Andreas Pacek for his German guidebook on street photography called "Streetfotografie - Der Atem der Straße" (256 pages), which has been released on June 25th 2018 by FRANZIS Verlag.
"SCHWARZWEISS - Das Magazin für Fotografie" featured a 5 page spread on The Street Collective - including an interview with myself - in their current issue 124 (June/July 2018). Copies can be ordered here.
Street Sans Frontieres is coming up in Paris this weekend and some of my photographs will be featured in the exhibition as part of our guest appearence with The Street Collective. Street Sans Frontières is focused not only on classic street photography, but it aims to give a wider view of what happens in the streets of the world, a glimpse on human condition in the urban environment. The opening at "Espace des arts sans frontières" will be on Friday, May 18th, at 6pm. Entrance is free.
On August 24th Rheinwerk Verlag published the book "Streetfotografie - made in Germany". I'm among the authors of the guidebook - together with Mario Cuic, Siegfried Hansen, Torsten Köster, Marco Larousse, Christopher Reuter, Max Slobodda, Nicole Struppert, Kay von Aspern and Martin U Waltz - and contributed 15 double spreads. The book gives insight into the workflow of ten German street photographers. It shows their work plus background stories to each photograph and offer tipps & tricks on how to deal with certain situations in the streets.
314 pages, more than 150 illustrations
Printed on 135 g photo-paper
PDF-preview here
It can be ordered here
In mid-April 2018 I'll be involved in the first edition of "Italian Street Photography Festival", an event dedicated to street photography, which will take place in Rome/Italy. Besides being part of the jury of the international singles and series competitions, we'll be presenting the results of "oktoberfesta", a German-Italian street photography group project, realized in cooperation with Goethe-Institute Rome during Oktoberfest 2016. More information on Facebook.
I created a limited edition (25) of fanfold leporellos in handmade cardboard slipcases with a cover print. Each set includes two 10x15cm leporellos, which contain the series “animal. minimal.” and “For what it’s worth” (24 photographs in total). Price: 12 € plus postage. Get in touch for more infos.
On Thursday, Oct. 5th, the exhibition "Via! - Street photography from Hamburg to Palermo" opened in Munich. The 82 pictures will be shown in the Cantina and bar of the cultural centre Pasinger Fabrik until November 19th. "Via!" is a German-Italian longterm photography project in cooperation with Goethe-Institute Rome, which involves 5 street photographers from both countries that documented every life in their home region for one year.
48 Stunden, 6 Fotografen, 1 Mission: Im Rahmen von „oktoberfesta“ nehmen sechs Straßenfotografen das sogenannte „Italiener-Wochenende“ zum Anlass für die Bestandsaufnahme einer Stadt im Ausnahmezustand. Beteiligte an der in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Goethe-Institut Rom entstandenen deutsch-italienischen Koproduktion, deren Verlauf vom 16. September bis 1. Oktober auf dem Instagram-Kanal des Goethe-Instituts Italien mitverfolgt werden kann, sind neben Kurator/Fotograf Fabian Schreyer die italienischen Straßenfotografen Giacomo Vesprini (Florenz), Matteo Sigolo (Venedig), Davide Albani (Mailand), Lorenzo Lessi (Cecina) and Riccardo Cattaneo (Mailand). „oktoberfesta“ dokumentiert 48 Stunden lang mit den Mitteln der Straßenfotografie den ebenso ungewöhnlichen wie gewöhnlichen Wiesn-Wahnsinn.
I'm among the 10 selected open-call-winners for the project "StreetProjections", which is carried out by PhotoWerkBerlin - in collaboration with EyeEm and KommunaleGalerieberlin: "The project StreetProjections presents different realities from around the world displayed by night through projections on the sidewalk of the Kurfürstendamm.
The best-submitted works, selected by an international jury will be projected in the very heart of Berlin, in the central boulevard of Kurfürstendamm during night time.
Duration of the exhibition: September 9th–Oktober 8th, 2017" 10 of my photographs will be showcased on the sidewalk for one months.
Starting July 14th the big version of the "Via!"-exhibition is on display in Iserlohn/Germany as part of "Observations 2017", a festival dedicated to street photography and organized by Observe Collective. The exhibition is shown in "Städtische Galerie" Iserlohn until August 20th. Further information.
Seit dem 14. Juli ist die große Version der in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Goethe Institut Rom konzipierten Ausstellung "Via! - Straßenfotografie von Hamburg bis Palermo" als Teil des Straßenfotografie-Festivals "Observations" in der Städtischen Galerie Iserlohn zu sehen (bis 20. August).
My series “animal. minimal.” made it in the final round of the contest at StreetFoto San Francisco. First-round judges David Gibson, Jesse Marlow, Aaron Berger, Gaciela Magnoni and Maciej Dakowicz voted for it in the category “Best street photography series” and it got exhibited in Harvey Milk Photo Center.
After touring Italy for more than a year, the small version of the exhibition "VIA! - Straßenfotografie von Hamburg bis Palermo" is coming to Germany for the first time. The results from the German-Italian street photography project will be shown at Istituto Italiano di Cultura Amburgo (Hansastrasse 6) in Hamburg from May 5th until September 8th. The exhibition opening will take place on May 5th at 7pm in the presence of Hamburg-based "Via!"-photographer Siegfried Hansen.
It has been to an ancient palazzo in Venice, in a castle in La Spezia, in a deconsecrated chapel in Livorno and at Goethe Institute in Florence. Time to move the “travelling version” of the exhibition “Via! – Fotografia di strada di Amburgo a Palermo” to Savona!
On Oct. 22nd at 5pm "Via!" will open its doors in an old tower called Torre del Brandale (Campanassa) and stay there until November 5th. Open from 10:30am to 12 and from 4pm to 7pm.
Thursday Aug. 25th was the opening night of The Street Collective's current exhibition in Borås/Sweden followed by a photowalk in Gothenburg two days later. The show in Abecita Konstmuseum has 100 big size prints on display. It will be open for public until end of November 2016. There's a video clip about the exhibition in general and the participating photographers, which can be seen here.
Now that the 32-piece-travelling-version of the „Via!“-exhibition has been hosted at Goethe Institute in Palermo, in an ancient palazzo in Venice and in a castle in La Spezia, it will soon be shown in a deconsecrated chapel in the Tuscan coastal city Livorno. The place is called „Cappella Scafurno“ and opening will be on July 31st at 7pm (until Aug. 21nd). Facebook event.
„Das eigentliche Mysterium der Welt ist das Sichtbare, nicht das Unsichtbare.” (Oscar Wilde)
Unter dem Ausstellungstitel „SCHWARZ AUF WEISS” zeige ich ab dem 4. August (Vernissage: 19 Uhr) in der „Schwarzen Kiste” am Königsplatz/Augsburg eine Auswahl an Schwarzweißfotografien.
Bis zum 11. September sind dort Aufnahmen aus Amsterdam, Augsburg, Barcelona, Florenz, Miami, München, New York und Rom zu sehen. Die im öffentlichen Raum aufgegriffenen Motive zeigen kleine Alltagsbeobachtungen – eine flüchtige Verabschiedung, einen sehnsüchtigen Blick, das Zusammenspiel geometrischer Formen.
August 25th will be the opening night of The Street Collective's first major exhibition in Abecita Konstmuseum in Borås/Sweden. The show will run until Nov. 12th and there will be about 100 big size prints on display. Most of the collective’s members will be in Sweden for the opening weekend and there will be a photowalk in Gothenburg on Aug. 27th. Facebook event.
After Palermo and Venezia the travel exhibition "Via!" moves on to La Spezia. Opening is on June 8th. "Via!"-photographer Umberto Verdoliva will be present to talk about the project.
Finally the „Via!“-zine is available! The catalogue contains all pictures from the exhibition in Rome. If you want to grab a copy, please send me an e-mail to
pages: 84 pages
content: 82 photographs in colour and black & white
size: 8.5×11 in (22×28 cm)
cover: semi gloss, 80# (216 GSM)
paper: matte, 80# (118 GSM)
binding: perfect bound
text: Italian, partly also German
price: 20 € plus postage (paypal preferred)